Episode 10: Kitchen Confidence, Empowerment and Fun
Kitchen Confidence, Empowerment and Fun
In the Season 1 finale of Kiddos in the Kitchen, Margie Saidel, the vice president of Nutrition Sustainability at Chartwells K12, a contract food service management company, shares advice for getting kids interested in food and cooking. Then, a professor and two students from Middle Tennessee State University share what they’ve learned about engaging kids and getting more confident in the kitchen.
Diana Romanach and Carmen Bell recently graduated with degrees in dietetics from Middle Tennessee State University.
Margie Saidel, MPH, RD, LDN, is the VP of Nutrition and Sustainability at Chartwells K12, a food service management company. She’ll be featured on an upcoming episode of Kiddos in the Kitchen, too.
Diana Romanach and Carmen Bell recently graduated with degrees in dietetics from Middle Tennessee State University. They were led by Dr. Lisa Sheehan-Smith. Dr. Sheehan-Smith, RD, LDN has been a full-time faculty member at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) for 23 years. She is currently a Professor of Nutrition & Food Science and Director of the Dietetics Program. In 2015 she was awarded an MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award. When not teaching and mentoring students, Dr. Sheehan-Smith enjoys her volunteer activities, connecting with program graduates and practicing for her next figure skating competition.
MTSU’s Dietetics Program has been preparing graduates to become competitive registered dietitians for more than 50 years. Graduates have a significantly higher match rate of 98% than the national rate of 66% (average for last three years) for obtaining spots in post-baccalaureate dietetic internships.
Episode highlights
0:17 – Margie Saidel’s story
2:30 – What kids enjoy
7:56 – Combining flavor and nutrition
10:51 – Cooking as a sensory experience
12:03 – Scientific vs. creative cooks
14:07 – Kitchen Questions
17:08 – Meet Middle Tennessee State University graduates Carmen Bell and Diana Romanach
17:36 – About MTSU’s MT Nutrition Program
20:57 – Gaining confidence in the kitchen
24:42 – Closing Thoughts
Our favorite quotes from the episode
“Kids like to customize their meals, and they don't like to be told what they're going to eat; they like to have choices.” — Margie Saidel
“Kids have the natural ability to self-regulate. They will eat when they're hungry and they won't eat when they're not hungry. So it's important that we don't interfere in that process for them.” — Margie Saidel
“Your creativity and ingenuity doesn't always have to be touching the food although, obviously, that's a very important part of it. It's also how you talk about the food.” — Margie Saidel
“Fruits and vegetables are the secret to a long and happy life. If you make your plate half full with fruits and vegetables, that's perfect.” — Margie Saidel
“They really need to feel independent and that they're really contributing to the food, but in their own particular way so that their personality can come out in what they're doing, and they're having lots of fun. And as you know, fun is really the best part of it.” — Margie Saidel
“I feel like five times out of 10, the recipe never turns out the way that Pinterest says it's going to be, and that is okay because it's definitely all about trial and error.” — Carmen Bell
“Kids are very much attracted to colors. They want to touch things. They want to interact. They want to have things in their hands.” – Diana Romanach