Season 2, Episode 3: Eating Veggies & Picky Eaters
Eating Veggies & Picky Eaters
What parent doesn’t want their kid to eat more vegetables — and to stop being so picky about food? Well, today, we’re talking with two people (both moms) who have some thoughts. First, Kim Bise of shares how she’s gotten her own kids to eat more vegetables as her family has embraced a clean eating lifestyle. Then, Dr. Heather Koza discusses her tips and tricks for dealing with picky eaters.
Kim Bise Kim Bise is a busy mom and blogger with a passion for bringing kids into the kitchen and showing them how fun and delicious healthy cooking can be.
Introducing kids to healthy recipes builds their confidence in the kitchen and sets them up for a healthy future!
Dr. Heather Koza is the mom of two little precious girls and a family medicine doctor who incorporates integrative medicine into her family medicine and pediatric clinic. She has a passion for early childhood intervention, mental health and preventive care. And in her free time, she spends time outdoors exploring nature with her children. Follow her on Instagram @drmodernmom.
Episode highlights
2:22 – Meet Kim Bise + What is clean eating?
5:37 – What didn’t work?
6:32 – How Kim has successfully introduced more veggies
9:03 – Benefits of cooking with kiddos
10:42 – Kitchen Questions
15:46 – Meet Dr. Heather Koza
18:34 – Are we creating picky eaters?
22:22 – Final Thoughts
Our favorite quotes from the episode
“Bringing the kids into the kitchen started because with all of these limitations, she needed to learn how to cook for herself so that when she grows up and moves out, she can continue to do this lifestyle without having to depend on somebody else.” — Kim Bise
“I just bring them into the kitchen, and I usually give them carrots or the vegetables to chop up, and I'll see them putting it in their mouth while they're chopping. They're not even thinking about it. They're just grabbing it and eating it.” — Kim Bise
“But if I bring them into the kitchen with me, they'll start to tell me about their day. They're not even thinking about it. I don't think they do it on purpose, but they'll start to talk about their friends or things that happened at school. And so for me as a mom, that's been the biggest benefit that I actually get to hear about their day and kind of bond with them.” — Kim Bise
“You definitely don't want to force a kid to eat, and you don't want to punish them for not eating. But on the flip side, you never want to reward with food because rewarding with food or punishing with food teaches kids that some foods are good and some foods are bad.” — Dr. Heather Koza
“I always tell parents do not compare your kid to anyone else's kid.” — Dr. Heather Koza
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Follow Dr. Heather Koza:
INSTAGRAM: @drmodernmom